Growing Leaders


I truly believe that we have a lack of leadership in America today.  There is a lack of leadership in our churches, our businesses, our schools, our homes, our government, our entertainment industry and in our nation as a whole.  But that is not to say there aren’t leaders – there are - there just aren’t enough.  

Several years ago leadership became a buzzword and people embraced the idea that anyone could be a leader.  “Anyone” morphed into everyone could lead which has since morphed into “Everyone is a born leader” in many cases.  

Except everyone is NOT a born leader.  Leaders still need to be created. They need to be grown.  They need to be developed.

One area I believe that needs attention is problem resolution.  I have noticed that leaders are so often relied upon to solve problems.  Many leaders are depended on to determine solutions for everyone instead of individuals either feeling empowered enough or being given the authority to resolve issues on their own. Often our problem is not our actual problem, but the approach to our problems is what truly trips us up.  As a leader show the people around you how to better approach problems. Give them the opportunity to resolve issues.  If they aren’t able to find a resolution, have them bring it to you with 2-3 options or ideas.  Talk it through with them, help them think it through and include them in the decision-making process.  Being a leader means raising leaders up all around you through empowerment, growth and development.