MLC Resources

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Leading with Goals

Set goals…then achieve them.  Any goal…go after anything you want – big or small.  Strive to achieve it.  As long as it doesn’t negatively affect other people go after whatever you want.  Because any goal that you want encourages to stretch and grow. And as you grow you become better and you become better you do better! As you do better, you have more of everything in any possible interpretation of the word.  When you have “more” you are able to do “more” for yourself and others.

So set some goals – reach, stretch, grow in every area and keep getting better.  Be the best parent, spouse, sibling, neighbor, team player or leader…and always strive to get better.  As we learn and grow, we radiate out into the world who we are.  We can’t help doing more and being more.  It’s more important than just making changes through achieving goals, it’s transforming – not doing different but being different.  Constant transformation is evolution – continually becoming the best version of yourself – so set the goals and always get better!